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  • Conservatives for the Commonwealth Action

New PAC Formed to Support Bold Conservative Leadership

Updated: Mar 20

Kentucky is a conservative state but our legislature, though dominated by a Republican supermajority, is failing to conserve a statewide culture that is consistently pro-family and reflects a vision of human flourishing based on our historic Judeo-Christian heritage. Our legislative leaders seem mostly content with Kentucky’s political and cultural status quo, making only the most modest efforts to promote real conservative policies. Furthermore, legislative leaders prioritize expediency and the preservation of their own power over their obligation to advance conservative ideas and have even punished lawmakers who strive to promote a bold, consistently conservative vision for Kentucky.

Therefore, conservative leaders from across Kentucky have formed Conservatives for the Commonwealth to elect and retain principled conservative political candidates in Kentucky. Our four guiding principles will help usher in a new era of conservative leadership:

1) Political leaders should acknowledge God as the source of our freedoms and His eternal kingdom as the end to which our lives are directed.

2) Government has an obligation to actively encourage an economic and social environment in which men and women can flourish according to God’s design.

3) Political leaders should promote policies that

  • Defend life and the integrity of the human person,

  • Protect human families against the scourge of evil that damage traditional family structures and stability,

  • Advance educational policies that prioritize parental rights and pro-family values,

  • Defend individual liberty,

  • Limit the size and scope of government and minimizes regulations

4) Principled conservatives will stand firm against opposition when core ideas are at stake.

Conservatives for the Commonwealth PAC will seek to support political candidates who come closest to representing these guiding principles. We pray for God’s enduring blessing and guidance in these endeavors.

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